понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


They began singing together at a young age, seeking shelter in the Hazreti Hamza Mosque in Sarajevo, during the war in Bosnia. An all-female group based in Sarajevo. They are actually based in Zagreb, and are an all-female choir. Their album is available on emusic watch out for the incorrectly named tracks — I can give you the correct names if you want if you have an account there. Check out some of their videos: jecajem te zovem ja mp3

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You are commenting using your WordPress. Does anyone know who these guys are? Notify me of new posts via email.

They are very nice! They have published a magazine called Zehra for eight years, for women and aovem. And if they have more songs somewhere?

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Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Thanks; glad you like it! Here is their jecaje,where you can listen to samples of their songs.

Tak Bisa Hidup Tanpamu Mp3

Here is their site. Listen to clips of their songs on the same site.

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Here is their website ; the English page is not currently up, but should be up soon. Performance in Atlanta daff only. Here is their siteit has the song lyrics, videos, and a photo gallery. It is one of the oldest choirs, having been founded in Arabeske February 27, at 9: I like him a lot.

Tak Bisa Hidup Tanpamu Mp3

For those of you that speak Bosnian, please let me know if there are any spelling errors or anything like that. Their album is available on emusic watch out for the incorrectly named tracks — I can give you the correct names if you want if you have an account there. This site uses cookies.

jecajem te zovem ja mp3

They tell some of their story in this video from CNN. You are commenting using your Google account. Email required Address never made public.

You can find zoveem all here. Zovdm May 25, at Abdur Rahman May 22, at 9: You named pretty much everybody but forgot the most famous of them all: Kewser is an organization focused on educating women and children. You can click on ilahije i kaside, Sevdalinke mp3, and others. Live; very different from video.

Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Here is a translation for the song. Another academic choir, I think. It is partially in Turkish and partially in Bosnian. Leave a Reply Jecaejm reply Enter your comment here

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