понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.


In contrast, neighbourhoods that were largely developed after and had curvilinear streets with a clear hierarchy of road systems were identified as old neighbourhoods. The sienergy integra 5. No significant differences in this or the other physical activity outcomes were observed between travel groups on weekends. Integra's dynamic audio amplification continuously delivers Watts per channel 8 Ohms, 20 Hz kHz, 0. No specific info about version 5. sienergy integra 5.2

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Fewer girls engage in AST [ 2829 ] and parental perceptions regarding school travel are different for girls than they are for boys [ 30 ]. Only walkers and children who were driven in a vehicle were included in these analyses. DAs are the smallest geographical units that census data by Statistics Canada are available.

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Mean age was The result is cohesive reproduction of object-based soundtracks. GIS measured environmental correlates of active school transport: The technology also detects and compensates for background noise, such as the hum from an HVAC, to ensure accurate equalization.

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Associations between active school transport and physical activity, body composition and cardiovascular fitness: This contribution was modified by travel distance and not school neighbourhood socioeconomic status or the built environment.

Reliability and validity of the safe routes to school parent and student surveys.

Modifiers and covariates Neighbourhood types were determined by the period of neighbourhood development and SES. GF and BW analyzed and interpreted the data and developed the first draft of the manuscript.

In exploring the relationship between AST and physical activity levels, most studies tend to treat study populations as relatively homogenous [ 6 ]. The free Integra Control Pro app puts a range of streaming options at your fingertips, from universal Hi-Res Audio via network-attached devices to internet streaming services to music on your smartphone and tablet.

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One related factor is also the possibility of response bias. The names of program executable files are sienergy. How active are children in Toronto? While distance may be an AST barrier there may also be a dose—response relationship between AST and physical activity levels with increasing distance traveled by active means. J Sports Sci Med. The present study did not examine the influence of micro-level community design and land-use characteristics e.

In the most recent systematic review, Larouche et al. Time spent at different levels of intensity was classified according to published thresholds in children [ 13 ].

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It is worth noting that in the study context bus services are typically offered for elementary school student at a 1. All authors provided critical feedback during manuscript development. Schools with the lower 50 percentile values were identified as Low SES. Most studies report that children who walk to school are more active in general [ 4 ].

Height and weight measurements were taken and accelerometer-measured physical activity data collected on a total of children. In contrast, neighbourhoods that were largely developed after and had curvilinear streets with a clear hierarchy of road systems were identified as old neighbourhoods.

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Am J Prev Med. Neighbourhood types were determined by the period of neighbourhood development and SES. In this study, we examined the relationship between school travel mode, distance, and objectively measured physical activity and body mass index BMI using a sampling frame that purposefully located schools in varying neighbourhoods in inntegra city of Toronto, Canada.

The models were adjusted for age, neighbourhood type, distance to school, and sex in models for whole sample.

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